“Bringing the inside out is a fundamental part of our connection with one another”
The Inside-Out Technology of Consciousness sits at the core of each of Primal Intelligence’s offerings.
The principles in this model are 100% animal tested on ourselves, and we are excited to share the best of each of the partners with the world through this work we offer.
We believe that the quality of your life is determined less by what you do and more by who you are.
By connecting deeply with yourself, you become enriched.
From this place, you can lean into relationship in a different way and enrich those around you.

Let’s Unpack the Model…
The one thing you can know for sure is that you exist because you have the experience of living. This awareness is experienced inside your sense of self or your "I".
This level of knowledge does not require you to interact with anyone else. It is a state of being. Even with your eyes closed, you continue to exist. The arrows represent the movement woven into pure experience. For example, your thoughts, emotions and sensations flow from one to the next.
As soon as you interact with someone (or something) else in the outside world, you introduce the concept of "doing"; you move from "I" to "We".
You also have the perception of things existing other than yourself.
From the place of being, you have agency to act on and with objects/people. This is depicted in the direction of the top arrow on the circle.
The objects/people and their responses to your actions are then perceived internally (e.g. phenomenologically). This is described by the arrow at the bottom of the circle.
This movement between external action and internal perception happens in a continuous cycle, with no beginning and no end.
The line across the circle’s centre depicts awareness, a thread that connects you, the other person and objects and shows the distinction between your inner and the outer worlds.
When this thread of awareness is embodied with coherence, it becomes presence.
Presence is your ability to be with someone else without distraction and without losing your own sense of self. Presence is the currency for meaningful human encounters, from delivering challenging feedback as gracefully as possible to sharing great news.
Shared presence is the foundation for profound human interactions, demonstrates the power of emotional intelligence embodied, and is the hallmark of outstanding leadership.

The Mystery…
Awareness extends beyond your conscious sense of presence and deepens into your unconscious.
Research in quantum mechanics has led to the widely accepted conclusion that the boundaries of our bodies do not define us and that our perception of separateness is a trick of perception rather than a description of reality. The notion espoused by some physicists, that the behaviour of the microphysical realm is better described as conscious rather than mechanical, echoes the teachings of wise elders and spiritual traditions.
For these reasons, we show awareness extending downward to the symbols for zero and infinity, which are the root of all being and shrouded in mystery.
Humanity can find a moral and ethical orientation from an appreciation for the mystery beyond human perception. This is the place we support our students and clients to find and befriend within themselves.
Once connected with this place internally, decision-making becomes more straightforward, less fraught and better connected.
Bringing it all together.
The complete model connects the dynamic movement between inner life (e.g. experience) and the outer world (e.g. action) with presence born from embodied coherence and enlivened by connection with the deepest parts of yourself.
From this place, leadership, meaning and power flow naturally.
Why Now?
The belief that humans sit atop Nature, rather than embedded with her, has fuelled our collective pursuit of wealth and technological advancement without soul. We believe that there is a pathway to synergise meaning, connection and vocation in a way that will restore soul into enterprise.
At Primal Intelligence, we assert that the age of looking at each other and the planet for what can be extracted is over. We need a fundamental shift in how we live and work. The future of humanity is shifting to a generative paradigm. A generative paradigm means asking what we can add to the world instead of what we can take from her.
We know that we are not alone in this view.
Our offering to this wave of change is to have created an Inside-Out Technology of consciousness that underpins every product we offer.
The Inside Out Ecosystem.
The Inside-Out Technology of Consciousness that sits at the core of each of Primal Intelligence’s offerings.
All of our offerings tie together as one cohesive ecosystem.
Curious to find out which offering is for you?
Build a thriving business based on Inside Out technology
Harnessing Relational Intelligence using Inside Out Technology
Harnessing Collective Intelligence using Inside Out Technology